And what God would ask of us
Warning...long post ahead!
So here I am, leading the stewardship committee at my church, teaching Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey, living my career as a Biblically-based financial advisor, and I'll be honest - I didn't always tithe this summer. Be patient with me is this post...
To set the stage, in case you don't know, a tithe means a tenth-part or 10%. Specifically, it relates to "giving back" to God 10% of your gross increase for that week.
I can make the rather easy assumption that a pastor will not be too excited about reading my opening statement and I don't blame him. Perhaps my students and Christian clients will share the same feelings. I do however want to come-straight, share my giving, my life and my belief regarding giving. Be patient it gets better :)
As a small business owner, as other small business owners will attest, there are times of both feast and famine. This summer has been one of those lean stretches in business. During this temporary period of drought I found myself on some Sundays staring at my income statement for the week, the household budget and the rest asking myself "should I tithe" this week? Again this is not something you would expect me to be asking is it? The truth is I found myself feeling both guilt to tithe and then shame when I didn't.

"I Found myself feeling both guilt to give my tithe and then shame when I didn't."
The question for me then became "does Jesus want me to feel this guilt and obligation when I give?" And, what would God have me to do?
One of my favorite authors is Randy Alcorn. He is considered by many to be the authority on how we are to manage God's money. I say "God's money" because as Christians we believe that God owns it all. I certainly do and this includes the use of our time, the talents he gave us and all of our possessions. Yes that's God's car parked in your driveway of the house He owns :)
Randy is his wonderful book titled "Managing God's Money" makes a very strong case for tithing while identifying a plethora of scripture from the bible explaining and supporting it. He goes on to say (not verbatim) that those that justify their "way-out" of tithing are misunderstanding what is written in the New Testament. He refers such givers as those that adhere to the "love offering," method of giving; those that give what they feel is in their heart to give and when. The occasional confusing and conflicting part is that I believe in both what is written in the Old Testament and these folks. This goes against my infamous saying that "you can't be a little bit pregnant." You either chose one thing or the other.
What I have come to embrace is written in II Corinthians 9:7 as it relates
to giving that I have read time and time reads:
to giving that I have read time and time reads:
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to
give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful
Jesus spoke those words and they mean so much to me.
I am often asked by students, friends and clients "so how much should I give?" I am quick to state that the bible is clear that tithing is clearly stated throughout the bible. The first reference to the tithe can be found as far back as Genesis 14:20 where the bible states:
"Abram gave him a tenth of everything." Others references that come to mind are noted in: Exodus 22:29; Numbers 18:12, 24; Leviticus 19:23-25; Deuteronomy 26: 1-5 and Proverbs 3: 9-10.
To name a few and the list is great. Hence, my belief that tithing is indeed biblical.
If you study the life of Jesus He made it quite clear that God wants our hearts not our money ~ just as I have written throughout this blog. One thing that I will tell you that I know for sure is that when I tithe I feel amazing and fulfilled! The Lord is faithful, He even says "test me" when speaking about the sacrifice and faith of your tithe. You know what, He is always faithful to provide for me. Even if we aren't seeing those gifts coming right back to us in our mailbox on Monday from an unexpected source, we are as the bible states "storing our treasures up in heaven". Isn't that what really matters?
One thing that I know for sure is that God has my heart,
He has my entire life.
He has my entire life.
I know, as should you, that not only does He want our money as a testimony of our faith and trust in Him - He wants everything. He also wants us to support our local church just as the Levites did thousands of years ago.
Warning: Just because you tithe that doesn't get you "off the hook" with The Lord. The Holy Spirit convicts you as a born again Christian to love others, give your time in a way that helps others and honors God, and to share your talents that your church and others could really use. Yes everything. Oh in case you are thinking "I just don't have time" - you do. So don't even...
When I add it all up at the end of the year, I will have probably given more than a tithe or perhaps not. It adds-up though, the giving throughout the year to the church, missions, outreach, those in need that I know. I have dedicated just about all my time to serving The Lord in all that I do. I want God to have all of me and I dedicate each day to Him. That being said, the bible states that our "first fruits" are to go to our church.
I gave and gave with love; no guilt resides now as I know that The Lord knows my heart. I write this as a statement and I am in no way implying that I do more or less than the other person. I simply am sharing this with you as to how my guilt died to His love. God will judge where my heart is. That's good enough for me.
God wants all of us not just the leftovers. The question we should be asking ourselves (present company included) is: are we giving Him all of ourselves - the whole enchilada? Jesus said that we should not give reluctantly or out of compulsion. Scripture actually states when we act as such, as we shouldn't that is, giving to "earn points or because we feel we have to", the bible refers to God seeing these gifts or duty as "filthy rags to Him.
If we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and savior and have truly been born again, we now have the conviction of the Holy Spirit indwelling within us. In our hearts, the very hearts convicted by the Holy Spirit, we know what we should give. Before we give we should do so prayerfully so as to get ourselves "out of the way" and let God Himself speak to us.
He knows if I've had a bad week at work, yet He still may convict me to tithe or even give a little more. He knows that I am tired yet compels and strengthen me to volunteer to help those is need. We should let The Lord guide us in all we do, we just need to first be silent and discern His will for us. The result is most likely that we end up giving far more than a tithe by year end and yes using our hands, feet and time for His Kingdom.
What's this look like? The result may be that we chip-in more at church. The result may be that we step out of our comfort zone and do something new, something selfless and something awesome for The Kingdom. When we are to take action with our gifts, time or talent let's let it be spirit-led, and let's be cheerful!
So perhaps before we start each day, we first give it to The Lord. We should ask Him to use us, inspire us and open our hearts. This can be at work, home, church, with your kiddos or on the streets and yes - when we are writing that check. He will guide you as to exactly how much you should give in dollars and with your hands and feet. He will - if we only let Him.
Starting today, if you haven't done so already, become a cheerful giver in everything that you do and with all that you have. Remember that it all belongs to God. That's what Jesus asked for and He asked for nothing less.
This is what turns guilt and feelings of obligation into excitement and contentment. As for me, managing God's money and the time He gives me, I will strive to listen to that still small voice, read the bible each day and He will show me His will in all things. He will in all of us as many of you can attest.
I am a work in progress and I will always will be as I aspire to live the life that Jesus called me to. Guilt has been replaced with love. Obligation has replaced with ears tuned-in and a big smile. I do not write this authoritatively, I am in this walk with Christ with you. Let us inspire and continue to build each other up.
Your brother in Christ,
Your brother in Christ,
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