Thursday, July 11, 2013

Does ownership matter?

I am blessed to have the best neighbors that one could hope to have.

They are wonderful and amazing people.  When my John Deere lawn tractor decided to no longer run recently, I sheepishly asked them if it would be alright if I borrowed their mower for the day.  Not only did they let me use their riding lawn mower, I found it parked in my driveway later that week with the instructions to "be it's new caretaker" for them.  If they need it they will use it and I'll be the maintenance man (I love fixing things).  How do you suppose that I'll take care of their mower?

So what is the difference in having possession of their mower over mine?  

Could the answer be: "it's there's - not yours - so you need to take really good care of it."  

That could just be my father whispering in my ear.  Dad reminded me often: "Always return it in better shape than when you borrowed it."

From when we first borrowed our parents car to when we may have had the opportunity to use our neighbor's lake house - most people feel a real responsibility, an obligation perhaps to care for what is being borrowed and to do so - very well.

Something that is borrowed or left in our care deserves our respect, appreciation and care.

Why do some Christians give to the needy, sponsor an orphan or even tithe?  I suppose that there may be some that do so out of a sense of obligation or even guilt - I sure hope not.  However the majority give back out of love and appreciation and do so with a joyful heart.  I have written plenty on the topic of giving and if you were to look through the blog and you will see plenty on this subject. For today however, I want to focus on the part that's not given back to God - the leftovers. Who owns that?  Do You?  Does it matter?

Christians believe that God created everything.  Genesis 1:26-1:28 speaks to how God created the world and everything in it and states His will that we have dominion over all things.  From beginning to end, Scripture emphasizes God's ownership of everything.  You could spend a lifetime searching Scripture and never find a verse that suggests that God has ever surrendered his ownership to us.  God owns it all, we are just borrowing it.  We are his caretakers.

The giving of 10% of your earnings back to God was a truly wonderful thing, but he owns the other 90% too.  When you believe that God owns it all - that understanding has huge impact.

Do we treat everything that we have, everything, as if it doesn't belong to us, but rather we are just the caretaker?  Did I treat my own mower as well as I am treating the one lent to me?  Do I care for my finances as if I were managing God's money?

How would our lives change, at all, if we deeply believed that God really owns everything?  What if all that we have - are "blessings from God", specifically given to each one of us to manage to be a blessing for others?  Wrap your mind around that, when I did I became so incredibly humbled and liable.  Every financial decision is a spiritual one now.  I am - managing God's money for myself and others.


Here is the next big question:  In addition to your possessions, what if your life doesn't even belong to you?

Do you live as though your life is yours or as if it belongs to God and you are simply taking care of it for him?  I'll give you a moment...

Often times we hear that time, talent and treasure are the components of biblical stewardship.  You may be the world's best giver of money, but how are you giving your talent, skills or even love?  How are you using the time he has given you?  How are you treating the body he gave you?  How are we caring for the children he is having us raise?  Do you think that I am taking this too far?  God doesn't.

God not only owns everything - all of our possessions, but our lives as well.  "You are not your own; you were bought at a price."  
- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.  

When I finally understood these biblical truths and commands regarding true ownership, I did little with it, and it didn't take long before I was soon very much reminded just how much I depend on Him.  He has a not so subtle way of waking me up.  I never really understood: Psalm 111:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."  I certainly do now.  Truly the Lord does both give and takeaway.

If you allow yourself the opportunity to awaken to the fact that God owns it all and you steward His resources as if borrowed property - your life is about to experience blessings like never before.  By the way - you cannot out-give  God!  Don't believe me - try it!  God even says "test Me."  Malachi 3:10

God owns it all and he owns our abilities, actions, bodies, decisions, time, possessions - all of us lock stock and barrel.  


Why should you be the best steward today that you can be?  God wants our hearts and how we use his possessions and our lives demonstrates our appreciation, reverence and love for him. 
A man went to visit the caretaker of a very large estate in the country with an absentee owner.  Noticing how meticulously the caretaker performed every chore, the visitor asked him "When do you expect the owner to return?"  The caretaker's reply: "Today, of course."  The caretaker did not know when to expect the owner and either do we.  We can however live like he will be coming home today and then he will find his estate in us pleasing to Him.

I don't know when my neighbor will be by to collect the lawn mower. I do know that the oil was recently changed and it's full of gas. Maybe I'll go and mow their lawn this afternoon.

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