Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Finding your balanced life

Financial Planning to find your Balanced Life

Goal setting can be challenging.  First start with prayer.  Spend time alone with God to find out what He wants you to do or accomplish in the future.  Then record your goals by writing them down in clearly defined and measurable terms.

Goals are based on faith and following God's leading, not on past accomplishments or current resources when planning with Christian faith.  There are certainly other ways, but for me - it is my way.  Acknowledge that He may want to do a "new thing" in your life and that He can "do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think."

"The mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." - Proverbs 16:9

...Finding Balance

Our challenge is to maintain balance in the various areas of life.  Often we get out of balance in our vocation, striving to produce more wealth (financial capital) to pass on in our estate and to our heirs.

Financial planning allows us to step-back and assess our God-given goals and priorities, ultimately managing our finances in a manner that relieves financial pressure and provides peace of mind.

By balancing our lives through financial planning, we are able to "buy" time to develop social and spiritual capital in our heirs.

This is how I help people.  Define your finish line and Find your balance!

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